Sunny Health and Fitness Essential Seated Elliptical

Dick's Sporting Goods
$349.99 $379.99 SEE DEAL

The Sunny Health and Fitness Essential Seated Elliptical is the ultimate workout companion for those looking to take their fitness routine to the next level. With its smart fitness capabilities, you can connect your mobile device via Bluetooth to the SunnyFit APP and track your performance metrics in real-time. The SunnyFit APP offers over 100 workout videos, customized workout plans, and the ability to compete on the elliptical leaderboard.

The onboard digital monitor displays essential workout metrics such as calories burned, distance traveled, pulse rate, speed, and more. The contactless magnetic resistance system provides 8 levels of progressive resistance, ensuring a smooth and challenging workout experience. The adjustable seat adds comfort and support during long sessions, while the bi-directional pedaling feature allows you to mix up your routine and target different muscle groups.

Transportation wheels make it easy to move and store the elliptical in tight spaces. The pulse sensors on the handles allow you to monitor your heart rate throughout your workout. With a device holder for your tablet or phone, you can follow along with trainers for certified fitness tips, advice, and lessons.

Overall, the Sunny Health and Fitness Essential Seated Elliptical is a versatile and convenient piece of equipment that will help you achieve your fitness goals in the comfort of your own home.

Sunny Health and Fitness Essential Seated Elliptical
Sunny Health and Fitness Essential Seated Elliptical
$349.99 $379.99

Sam Dawson

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