Sunny Health and Fitness Premium Smart Treadmill

Dick's Sporting Goods
$649.99 $799.99 SEE DEAL

The Sunny Health and Fitness Premium Smart Treadmill is the ultimate workout companion for those looking to take their fitness routine to the next level. With the ability to connect to the SunnyFit APP via Bluetooth, users can run alongside expert trainers, view real-time performance metrics, and access customized workout plans. The APP also offers over 100 workout videos, live metrics display, and the option to compete on the rowing leaderboard.

Featuring auto-recline technology with 15 levels of resistance, users can push themselves to achieve maximum burn with ease. Quick Buttons allow for easy adjustment of recline levels and speed, while the 49L x 15.5W running surface provides ample room for a comfortable stride. The digital monitor tracks speed, time, distance, calories, steps, body fat percentage, and heart rate through hand pulse sensors.

Designed with a robust frame and a maximum user weight of 250 lbs, this treadmill is built to last. The portable design includes transportation wheels and a hassle-free folding mechanism for easy storage. The soft-drop system ensures safe folding without risk of injury or damage to floors. Shock absorption technology reduces joint stress, making workouts more comfortable and effective.

Additional features include a device holder for phones or tablets, bottle storage space, and an MP3 headphone jack for entertainment while working out. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced runner, the Sunny Health and Fitness Premium Smart Treadmill offers a versatile and convenient way to achieve your fitness goals.

Sunny Health and Fitness Premium Smart Treadmill
Sunny Health and Fitness Premium Smart Treadmill
$649.99 $799.99

Andrew Irons

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