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Sunny Health & Fitness SPM Magnetic Rowing Machine

Dick's Sporting Goods
$219.99 $299.99 SEE DEAL

The Sunny Health & Fitness SPM Magnetic Rowing Machine is a versatile and efficient piece of exercise equipment designed to provide a full-body workout in the comfort of your own home. With a maximum weight capacity of 285 lbs, this rowing machine is suitable for users of various fitness levels.

Equipped with a SPM monitor, this rowing machine allows you to track essential workout data such as scan, time, count, calories, and total count, enabling you to monitor your progress and stay motivated. The 16 levels of tension offer a challenging and customizable workout experience, making it easy to adjust the resistance to suit your fitness goals.

The slip-resistant handlebar ensures a secure grip during intense rowing sessions, while the ergonomic foot pedals with straps engage your quads and provide stability. The oversized seat with a 43-inch slide rail inseam ensures comfort during extended workout sessions, allowing you to focus on your form and technique.

When not in use, the Sunny Health & Fitness SPM Magnetic Rowing Machine can be easily folded for convenient storage, making it ideal for homes with limited space. Whether you’re looking to improve your cardiovascular fitness, strengthen your muscles, or burn calories, this rowing machine is a versatile and effective tool for achieving your fitness goals.

Sunny Health & Fitness SPM Magnetic Rowing Machine
Sunny Health & Fitness SPM Magnetic Rowing Machine
$219.99 $299.99

Kate Rogers

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